See what people are saying!
It’s been specially designed for children of all academic abilities which is a really strong point for me as one of the reasons we are homeschooling is because we don’t like the idea of kids being expected to know or do something by a certain age.

As a family we’ve loved Amazing! Magazine and the fact it follows the national curriculum means that as well as being a lovely treat for a child it will help them at school too.
Donna Wishart, whattheredheadsaid.comIt makes a nice change to have a magazine that is educational as ones he has before often just are about games and just have fiction stories.
Beth Law,
I thought the magazines were really good because they give you some good things like how to make historic food, and funny facts, plus the pictures were really good. I find them interesting and its great I can learn whilst laughing.
Ky, Hannah Rose's son,

The academic subject matter is all re-interpreted to have a child-fascinating focus (think zombies, cheesy feet, aliens and bogeys) with high quality illustrations and a child-friendly font and snippets layout. If only all learning could be like this…
Anita Cleare, three of the Madhouse kids (aged 6, 11 and 14) have been reading it and making frequent comments and sounds, including "wow", "eurgghhh" and "hey, Mum, did you know ...?"

This magazine is fun for children and with a different topic each month, they will have fun learning a variety of topics, which will in turn help them with their school work.
Samantha Donnelly,
It also means that the things they're reading about are relevant to what they're learning in school and you'd hope that they might accidentally learn facts they can share in class because they just found it out.
Sofia Romero,

When I mentioned to her the possibility of a monthly subscription, she frowned which surprised me, but then explained that no, she didn’t want a monthly copy, she wanted one every day! I’d say that’s a very positive endorsement from Boo!
Jocelyn Reading, thereadingresidence.comThe first thing I noticed was the quality of the magazines, nice thick pages that will withstand several reads, which is handy when you have 3 kids scrambling for a look.
Anne Stone,

I recommend these magazines to anyone who has children who love magazines and comics and want to use that as a great advantage for their child to learn new things.
Caroline, are also competitons, puzzles and experiments to do at home, stories, fun things to make and so much more. All done in a really fun way with lots of things to look at. It sort of makes me wish boring adult magazines were a bit like this.
Evette Garside,

The amazing magazines are set out in a comic themed style which makes it fun and easy to read, Its bright colourful and it made a very high-quality feel glossy paper, which means this magazine will last well.
Shahnaz Alam, mummybebeautiful.comThis seems like an ideal way to appease their need for a magazine or comic and I know they are getting sometime that is value for money and actually good for their brains!

Of course the real testers were Lily and Thomas (now 9 and 7 years). I gave them a magazine each and they read them cover to cover in bed that night.
Tracy Dixon, greenmumsblog.wordpress.comWe loved the fun illustrations and the bitesize facts, which allow children to absorb information easily. In fact, I learnt a few things by reading through that I didn’t know, so whilst Amazing! is fun and easy to read, it doesn’t dumb things down.
Erica Price,

I’ve been subscribing to another magazine and a children’s newspaper for him for a little while now but they don’t pique his interest like this one does. So he’s happy, and I’m happy too because I know that what he’s taking in when he reads Amazing! magazine is linked to the curriculum he’s following at school.
Karen Hannah, thatlancashirelass.comAlthough it’s aimed at slightly older children the pages were colourful enough to captivate E who is almost 6 and in Year 1. He really loved the comic type style of the magazine.
Maria Hyrapiet,

I must say I am very impressed, not only did it make the children laugh, it caught their attention, especially with gross sections such as the bogie bites recipe.
Kira Hutt, can actually read most of it but lacks a lot of self-confidence in reading. This is one of the first books I have seen her pick up and really get lost in.

Boo absolutely loves these magazines, she says they are really interesting, she loves learning and has spent ages reading through them. She can’t wait to get her next issue.
Sonia Thorpe, thismummyloves.comThese are brilliant magazines for young children, with images throughout and text in shorter chunks to encourage reluctant and less confident readers. There is plenty of disgusting stuff that children love, and it's littered with random facts and asides, with loads of jokes.
Jenny Leonard,

I discovered that Amazing! didn’t only teach her what her school teacher had already taught her. Neither did it rehash the books she had already read. Instead it gave her fresh facts that she wouldn’t have learnt from me… I didn’t even know some of them.
Yvonne Telford, kemikids.comThe brilliant thing about the Amazing! magazine is it takes all the things that kids need to learn and disguises them so children don't even realise how much they are learning.
Susan Dougill,

Reading is fun when it’s about things that appeal to kids. Zombies, aliens and smelly feet all have their place in education. The Amazing! children’s educational magazine know just how to relate these fun subjects back to stuff kids really need to learn.
Fiona Cambouropoulos, coombemill.comThe magazines are full of colourful images and cartoons as well as interesting facts that you probably wouldn't find in a normal educational book.
Vicky Hall-Newman,

Not only is this magazine educational…. but it manages to do it in a sneaky way. Children will love it, my own boys were completely engrossed in reading them last night.
Stephanie Couch, acornishmum.comMy first impression of the two initial magazines we have received is the quality in the first instance. I don’t think I have ever bought a magazine that is as good quality as this.
Angela Spicer,

I gave them a few days and then asked them what they thought. Their response was overwhelmingly positive. They loved them.
Ferzanah Ahmed, happymuslimah.comEven I learnt some things I'd forgotten I was ever taught. A great way to treat the kids, have a laugh, and know they are also learning.

One thing I really liked that the Amazing! magazine featured inside were some craft ideas and recipes too. My children love crafts and love baking so I was pleased to see these two articles in the magazine.
Tanita Taylor, justmotherhood.comI have to admit I was blown away with the format. It’s an absolutely awesome publication that not only is appealing to the eye but informative too. The extension activities are great with easy to follow instructions. It’s as appealing to me as it is to the Daisy.
Mell Whitt,

They were soon quoting facts and wanting to try out different activities. The magazine provides information in bitesized chunks. "Did you know that:, "can we try this", all music to a mother's ears! It kept them entertained longer than I expected.
Cheryl Thompson, this way way children get to learn things of interest to them, and all along they're learning about the things that matter.
Mirka Moore,

The magazines are jam packed with art projects, competitions, puzzles and of course lots of interesting facts. Katie has loved reading them, and as a mum it’s nice to see a magazine that is both fun AND educational.
Tracey Williams, well as being amused and disgusted by the boogers, I was really pleased to see a spread on Special Educational Needs and would love to see the magazine take that even further.
Katie Rhymes,

The quality of this publication is immediately identifiable. It’s thick, glossy cover grabs our attention. “It looks really interesting and fun looking”, said my 8 year old daughter. And it does. There are funny comical characters plastered over the front, skeletons, zombies, aliens, and bogies. The sort of stuff children actually like reading.
Clare Duguid,